New to Medicare?

We Can Help You

People who are new to Medicare are usually either turning 65 or receiving Medicare due to a disability. Either way, Medicare benefits work the same way and trying to navigate the Medicare world alone can feel a bit overwhelming.

First things first, you need a good understanding of the four parts of Medicare and to familiarize yourself with some basic terminology. Secondly, you need to know which parts, if any, you actually need. Third and most importantly you need to know how much Medicare is going to cost.


Free in-person or over the phone one-on-one consultations and plan comparisons


Comparing the differences between Medigap vs Medicare Advantage


Confirming that your physicians, providers, and pharmacy accept your insurance


Medicare 101 Seminars at libraries, community centers, companies, and churches


Helping decide if remaining on your active employer coverage is beneficial


Reviewing financial penalties (if any) for delaying Medicare


Assistance with applying for Medicare Part B


Understanding the timeline of enrolling into Medicare

Financial Help

Assistance with applying for financial assistance with prescriptions, copays, and premiums


Enrolling you into the insurance plan of your choice

Meetings and Seminars

Medicare Advisors of Alabama invites you to learn your Medicare insurance options. Transitioning into Medicare can be confusing. We are here to help.

Our Team

We’re a group of local, kind-hearted, and knowledgeable licensed insurance agents with decades of experience helping Alabamians with Medicare.

New to Medicare FAQs

Click on a question to see the answer.

I'll be 65 soon and plan to keep working for several years. people tell me if i don't sign up for Medicare I'll get penalized for not signing up. What should i do?

It is true that there are financial penalties sometimes with Medicare. However, it’s very important to know if and when those penalties would occur and how to avoid them.

Depending on the number of employees your company has, you may be able to waive Medicare Part B without any penalties, stay on your group insurance, and enroll into Medicare at a later date saving you thousands of dollars per year. But many group policies have become more expensive over the years and depending on your out-of-pocket costs, it may be beneficial for you to start Medicare as soon as possible.

Our team can help you compare your options.

I am not 65 but was able to draw social security early due to a disability. When will i be eligible for Medicare

Typically, once a person is approved for Social Security Disability they will be eligible for Medicare two years after they first applied for disability benefits.

Some conditions like ALS will award Medicare to an individual immediately without having to wait two years. Medicare for a person under the age of 65 has the same benefits as a person 65 or older.

When do you help?

For people who are turning 65 or past 65 and retiring, we’ll first help you understand the four parts of Medicare and then guide you through the enrollment process.

We’ll help make the transition from your employer’s insurance to Medicare so much easier.

If you’re already on Medicare, you can change plans during the annual election period known as AEP which runs October 15th – December 7th. We help you compare plans during this time, so you’ll always have confidence knowing you’re in the right plan each year.

How can someone become your client?

Becoming a client is easy.

Contact Us or call us at (205)704-9020 and let’s talk.

Our retail office is now open at 2116 Columbiana Road in Vestavia. We’re opened 9am-4pm Monday through Friday.

When does someone need to help me with Medicare?

If you’re turning 65 years of age, you have a 7-month window to enroll in Medicare. It’s also when our team can really help you understand your options. However, if you are still working, you may not want or need to enroll. Deciding when to enroll and what to enroll in are our two most asked questions, and our team can help you make an informed decision.

Why do I need Medicare if i keep working past age 65?

Many people think they’ll face penalties if they don’t sign up for Medicare at 65. That can be true, but not always. You can postpone enrollment beyond age 65 if you or your spouse are still working and you have health insurance under an employer plan.